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Google Display Ads are generally used for brand awareness and reach. It is one among Search Engine Marketing. It is displayed on google and google partners apps and websites. Google Display Ads are called as Image ads because of images plus texts displayed on websites. Most of the company prefer Display Ads for brand awareness or for reach many people at a very low cost.

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

Even though there is a very less chances of conversion why digital marketers choose Image Ads. Search Engine Marketing is done when there is a actual need for a particular products and services. Social Media Marketing is done when there is no need or less need for a particular products and services. Facebook (Meta) and Instagram are the two main platform in Social Media and it has ad objectives called reach and brand awareness. When it comes to Search Engine Marketing Display Ad is the only available type of ad for Brand Awareness and Reach.

Benefits of Google Display Ads

Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

Low Cost

Cost of running a Google Display Ad is very less compared to other search engine Ads of Google. In India a Search Ad requires minimum of Rs. 500 per day to optimize and proper functioning of google Ads. Display Ads gives good results at an reasonable price. If you invest Rs. 200 per day it is good enough to give 5k impressions daily. When the advertising budget is very tight, it is better to go with Display Ads.

Brand Awareness

Google Display Ads are mainly designed for Brand Awareness. If a company is new to the Market without any recognition in the market, Display Ads helps to build a recognition in the market by reaching many people at the price of minimum. Brand Awareness objective helps people to identify a particular brand around thousands of Brands.


Reach and Brand Awareness are two different thing. Reach means showing an ad to more number of people. Google Display Ads are great for reaching large number as Google partners with 1000 plus websites and apps for reaching people. It is


Google Display Ads are called as Image Ads because of the responsiveness in Ads. Sometimes an ad can be both in Text and Image format. It adjusts itself according to the websites or apps layout. Display Ads gives a wide range placements.

Photo by on Unsplash

Google Display Ads are great for Brand Awareness and reach at a lesser budget. Display Ads comes to rescue a business they are having tight budget for advertising. If you’re looking for a Digital Marketing Agency for getting your Display Campaign ready, Contact D Magic for growing your Business Online.

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