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Video Ads are generally advertising done through Video content. YouTube reaches these ads to customers. Google is the first search engine and YouTube which is owned by Google is the second largest search engine in the internet world. Videos are great for reaching your message to a many numbers of people. When it comes to Video Ads, people get attracted through the visuals. Google Video Ads are great for an advertisement for foods, clothes, shopping accessories and many more essential products.

Photo by Sam McGhee on Unsplash

Most of us get annoyed during one or two ads before watching any videos in YouTube. In the era of short videos, people prefer to watch shorter ads or video which has complete information regarding the search. Tiktok was the star for short videos, When it was banned in India many social medias started creating separate section for short videos so people get attracted to these social medias. The trend of short videos haven’t gone still so ‘Shorter the video, Better the results’.

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

Benefits of Video Ads

Visual content

Visual content is preferred by a large number of people. Content providing complete information about a product or service with visuals gets the best results for any business. Visual content encourage people to tap the call-to-action button and learn more about the advertised product or services.


YouTube is worldwide famous for showing video content. Every month YouTube has 2 billion users making a chance for building great reach for an advertisement. Video Ads have different types Targeting with three types of video Ads. It also drives faster results because a large number of users in a month.

Fast Results

Fast results are expected while doing any campaign. YouTube ensures to drive fast results within shorter period of time as it will be reached to billion people. When there is a large targeting, it is often going to give higher amount of conversion. It is possible achieve it through Video Ads.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Video Ads are cost-effective just like PPC and it ensures reach a large audience with visual content. YouTube has billions of users in a month making an Ad reach faster to the right targeted people.

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