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Local SEO is a sub-category of Search Engine Optimization to get free traffic and conversion at no cost. Google is one of the top companies where it provides various services for free such as (Search Engine), YouTube ( top 2 Search Engine), Maps, G-Mail, News, Google Play, Photos, and much more. Billions of people use these services daily, ranking on top of this Search Engine can bring a large amount of traffic to your website.

Image by ooceey from Pixabay

What is Local SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is the practice of ranking a website on the first page of the Search Engine Result Page. Local SEO means ranking top for a search query in a particular place in Google Maps. It is the easiest way to get sales for a business and gives results faster compared to Search Engine Optimization. Local SEO takes about 2 or 3 months to show results and not a complicated process.

Note: Local SEO ranking can be changed according to location. For example, A particular place can rank on top in Google Maps results near a physical location but it may or may not rank top on other locations.

Image by Deepanker Verma from Pixabay

How to rank Top on Google Maps? Top 5 Local SEO

Google Maps shows the top 10 results based on the location on the desktop and unlimited results on the mobile. Ranking in the Top 10 is very necessary whether Local SEO or SEO. Google rank will reduce the gap between your business and your sales. Listing on Google makes a business trust worthy and easily findable. We have brought five local SEO strategy that can accelerate your business listing to top.

  • Enter genuine details and correct information about your business. It is really important for gaining the trust of customers. If you have changed your number or your location, it should be updated as soon as possible.
  • Keywords are a very important factor. why? Google decides whether to rank your business on a particular keyword or not. Keywords should be there in your Title, Description, and Business Category but remember not to do keyword stuffing. Keywords are helpful for google to rank you based on keywords.
  • Be active! Regularly keep posting about the offers and updates related to your business. It can be posts or images but keep it regular. Three times a week would be perfect for keeping your website active for ranking.
  • Reviews of services provided about your business. A positive review will be helpful for your visitors to understand more about your business and the experience of previous customers. A negative review is a sign of improving your services or other factors about your business. Learn from your past mistakes to improve yourself.
  • Manage Feedback! We are back to the review topic again because managing your reviews is important. Positive reviews should be replied to with grateful replies but for negative reviews? Yes! We should be grateful for negative reviews also, if they are genuine clients then try to solve their query and do not fight in the review section. If it is some competitors then just say we will solve the problem and stop the conversation at that point.

Google Maps are one of the free and less complicated practices to bring more conversion to your business. If you are searching for affordable Local SEO services, D Magic is the best local SEO marketing company in Bangalore. We work on researching the keywords and planning to get your listing at the top. We are Local SEO experts in Bangalore. Contact us to more about it. Get the benefits from google tools to grow your business online.

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