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Search Engine Optimization is the practice of improving the quality of a website. It is a technique of getting a website on the first page of SERP. Search Engine Optimization includes various factors to be optimized for getting the results. SEO takes up to 6 months to show results and there are no guaranteed results from doing Search Engine Optimization. However, optimizing a website can bring a lot of traffics to a website and visitors might turn into paying customers.

Types of Search Engine Optimization

Various factors determine the ranking of a website. Digital marketers should notice various details and optimize a site. Search Engine Optimization can be classified into On-page SEO, Technical SEO, Off-page SEO.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is a technique of optimization of a website on various factors such as URL, Slug, Keywords, Keywords, Content, and much more. It is SEO practice done on the web pages.

URL – An URL should have the keyword of the business. It is not that important for SEO but it is somewhat important for getting ranked on SERP.

Slug – A well optimized Slug should not contain stop words such as in, at, as, and, a, then and many other stop words.

Title – The title should be up to 70 characters, not exceeding 70 characters. Website keywords should be present in the title. A title should start with a keyword or the second word should be a keyword.

Meta Description – A meta description should be up to 155 characters, not exceeding 155 characters. Website keywords should be present at least 2 times in the meta description.

Header Tags – Header tags consist of H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 whereas H1, H2, and H3 are important for SEO. H1 should be present on the website with a keyword only once.

Breadcrumbs – It is a navigation option that makes navigation easy while exploring a website.

Content – Content Marketing is a strategy to get more traffic to your website. Content should be fresh and unique content without plagiarism. A content should be an topic that people are actively searching for in Search Engine.

Keywords – 2% to 3% is the optimum percentage of main keywords to be present in a webpage. 5% is the maximum percentage of main keywords to be present on a web page. Keywords are classified into Short tail Keywords(Highly competitive) Long tail keywords(can be a good boast with medium or less competition) and LSI keywords( closely related words to main keywords).

Call to Action – It can be a button or pop ups. It is important to reduce the bounce rate of a website.

Image Optimization – Compress the image to load a faster and good quality pics.

Alt Tags – Alt tags are good for getting traffic from images. Alt tags are the texts added to image

Canonical Tags – Canonical Tags are by default present for WordPress websites. Canonical Tags must be present for any website, so traffic coming to a website does not break. A canonical tag takes you to particular URL when entered wrong.

Favicon – It is a site logo that represents a particular website in search engine results and tabs in desktop.

Anchor text – Anchor text is a text that has hyperlinks in it. They can be classified into internal links (links within a website) and external links( links outside a website).

Text/HTML ratio – In a page, there should be atleast 20% hyperlinks.

404 Page – It is an error page present on any website. WordPress has a default 404 page.

HTML Sitemap – It is a map of the website, it should contain all the pages present on a website except the login page and thank you.

301/302 Redirection – When a website is closed or temporarily unavailable, 301 or 302 redirection is used for redirecting traffic from old URL to new URL. 301 is permanent redirection and 302 is temporary redirection.

Search engine optimization is a long process in which consistence is the key for results. It is a free way to gain traffic. Search Engine optimization should be done every once in 6 months or 1 year to get stay in top 10 SERP results for a longer period.

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